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Summer Flower Show August 2024

6 Runner Beans

5 Perrenials and 5 Hosta Leaves

Reg Moule and all the trophy winners

A Corsage in the Floral Art section

An Animal made from Vegetables

Three Potatoes

The Dahlia classes

The Judges in Action

2 Courgettes


Autumn Colours

Animal made from Vegetables

Transport made from Recycled Material

A Summer Garden in a Kitchen Utensil

The Ugliest Vegtable

More Judges in Action

Vegetable Samosas

All the classes withe the Trophies
Some photos of the gardens and sights we saw on our holiday to Norfolk


On The Broads

Entrance to Holcombe

East Ruston Lighthouse

East Ruston Sunken Garden

Jade Vine

Cambridge Botanical Gardens

Day Trip to Morton Hall Garden May 2023

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Moreton Hall Visit

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