Cheltenham Horticultural Society

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Welcome to our calendar, talks & meetings take place each month at 7.30 pm in Century Hall, Bishop Road, Shurdington, Gloucestershire, GL51 4TB

Thu 09/01/2025
Talk : Vintage Tools
Speakers : John & Carole

The Vintage Garden Store Architectural Features
Thu 13/02/2025
Talk : Hidcote - The Vision of One Man and a Solace for Many More.

Speaker : Lottie Allen Head Gardener at Hidcote.

A talk about Lawrence Johnson and the ongoing development of the garden.
Thu 13/03/2025
Talk : Plants for Awkward Corners
Speaker : Julie Richie
Thu 10/04/2025
Talk : Trees for Small Gardens
Speakers : Ingrid & John Millington
Sun 13/04/2025
Spring Show 12.30pm to 4.00pm.
At Pittville School, Albert Road, GL52 3JD.
Admission: Adults £2.50, Children under 16 Free.
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Thu 08/05/2025
Talk : Container Gardening
Speaker : Andrew Mikolajski
A Demonstration by Andrew
Thu 15/05/2025
Event : Gardens of Devon and Cornwall
With Cheltenham Horticultural Society 15 to 19 May 2025 read more..
Thu 12/06/2025
Talk: Bordering on Insanity
Speaker : Timothy Walker

This deals with the principles and practicalities that were adopted to create a border that is interesting all year round.
It concludes with a look at a collection of must have plants for such a border and their associations.
Wed 18/06/2025
Day Trip to Stockton Bury Gardens

In the morning we visit Stockton Bury and in the afternoon we visit Oakchurch Garden Centre
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Thu 10/07/2025
Talk : The Fragrant Garden
Speaker: Pip Smith
Wed 23/07/2025
Summer Social

Details to be announced
Sun 10/08/2025
Summer Show 12.30pm to 4.00pm.
At Pittville School, Albert Road, GL52 3JD.
Admission: Adults £2.50, Children under 16 Free.
Thu 14/08/2025
Talk: A Garden for All Seasons
Speaker : Diane Clement
Thu 11/09/2025
Talk: Some Stars of Autumn
Speaker: Paul Green

A practical talk with plants for sale
Thu 09/10/2025
Talk : Clematis
Speaker : Peter Skeggs-Gooch from Thorncroft Clematis

Plants for sale
Thu 13/11/2025
AGM followed by a Quiz
Thu 11/12/2025
Talk: Christmas Flower Arrangements
Speaker: Heather Peacey

Heather is a member of CHS and a very accomplished flower arranger
This will be followed by a bring and share supper